Wednesday, October 1, 2008

remedial measures

Namskaarsince tomarrow is a holiday, thought of adding few notes
astrlogy almost may be less worthhy if remedies for causitive planets can not be asertained. or if remedies are not working.
rembering my best ever remedies given to 3year child suffering from blood cancer,6yr back i guess i cant just repeat the same often. intentions are not to give short cut to remedies but circumspective analysis of charts. at that time i had less practical experence of astrology, have not gone thru more than b.v.raman's book and my teacher too had mentioned kid will not survive more than 3 months.
now kid is around 9 years and its all fine. how cud that happen then and simple remedies do not work today often. i dicussed with my teacher. there was the answer.
first and formost in remedial measures is natives strong will and awareness to rectify karma caused. not only we shud rectify but to c that we does not repeats it in future. for the first time simple temple visit fetch the desired job or desired results latter big havan too fail.
commonly every one worships satrun, for the first time satrun trusts us and hence he listen to our prayers readily , latter we repeat same mistakes and anticipate satrun to listen to our prayers, satrun does not and hence we go for now fastings on saturdays. satrun is planet of principles promises and dicipline. its the satrun which serves the planetory cabinet and its the one whu punishes. we may break our promises principles and dicipline. but the satrun wont.!!!
hence before looking for remedial measure explore in its roots based on which we suffer in this life.
lagna is present birth, 9th is past birth and 5th is future birth. if we move fwd 5 signs from present we land in future, and if we travel 5signs back from lagna we are in past.
10th house indicates karma or action which is 7th from 4th desire. every action is outcome of a desire good or bad. hence 10th house of 9th indicates karma we did in past birth which is nothing but 6th house, inspired by desires of 4th from 9th i.e. 12th house. if 12th lord is placed in 4th clearly indicates person is carring same old desires and outcome will be same. while performing remedies we have to break this pattern. untill we, remedies may or often remedies may not work.
characterstics like chara sthira jala agni, brahmana kshatriya dinratri etc indicates sin commited vigrousely or mildly ,accedently or purposely in the days or in the night, inside the house or away from house etc.
so it is the 6th 12th and lord of satrun (universal rectifier/punisher,) have to be rectify after analyzing above rashi charcteristics
likewise 12th lord placed in fixed sign shows fixity or stuburnity of mind/desires of past. so do 6th lord show strong actions. which cant be get rid of that easily.
likewise if they are placed in chara sign past sins can be easily rectified. and if it is in dwiswabhava it takes some time.
planets in rahu naxatra or rahu occuping planets naxatra indicates strong dosha that have to be taken care, sun in rahu naxtra pitru dosha , moon matru dosha and the jupiter dev dosha, if rahu in own naxatra indicates naga dosha and ketu other preta dosha.
rahu's placement in 11th to any bhava indicates strong fullfillment of bhava @ any cost by any means, that why rahu in 11th gives wealth @ any cost and rahu in 8th bhava, means definate result of his deeds or karma @ the cost of health. in 9th gain of material stuuf @cost of spirituality etc. rahu is most materialistic planet. he dont mind to live in patala, where as jupiter cant.
after rectifying first these then secondary remedial measures to bhava suffering shud be undertaken.
procedure of remedies are not a big secret, its well known and availabe in clasical texts. devotion to god, not the fear of god.
in south we have culture to perform archana on birth name naxatra. do we ever do it for satrun on shani jayanti on his name, oh shaneshwar ur leg alway paining may iswar give u freedom from pain. but we are always busy with our pain!!!!!
last but not the least, if ur mesha lagna u cant mistreat ur cousins sister or servants (karaktatva of mercury) we have to extend this to people born in signs of 6th and 8th lord.
its my honest sharing to membersi born in mesha lagna, married to 6th lord mercurian wife, had son born in badhaka lagna, kumbha and in my worst days i borrowed funds from mercurian signs. and paid huge money as intrest.
if i c from otherway, i gave back to them, from whum i have taken, 10th from 9th dhanu is kanya which dictates my past karma.
hopefully this may be useful to members and remedies may work in thier lives
wishing deep peace love and

1 comment:

Ankita Malhotra said...

Astrology is a pseudoscience that professes to divine data about human undertakings and earthbound occasions by considering the developments and relative places of heavenly objects.Astrology has been dated to in any event the second thousand years BCE, and has its foundations in calendrical frameworks used to anticipate regular movements and to decipher divine cycles as indications of celestial correspondences.

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