jupiter is most beneficial planet in chart bcoz venus gives its only up to this birth where as its jupiter which plays very vital role to build karma + or - based on which horoscope of next birth too depend. or our current horoscope is out come of jupiter majorly.
why gaja kesari yoga is different from chandra mangala yoga. why where mars get exalted jupiter gets debilated. and vice versa i may not discussing here. but wish to add on effects of natal jupiter and transit jupiter in light of brigu nandi nadi.
every one knows progression of lagna by 1 sign per year in tajika without knowing where muntha placed in anual chart reading is misssing target.
progression is also utelized in sudarshan chakra where sun moon and lagna are progressed one sign by year. normally progressed sign from natal lagna indicate similar events. for example if lagna is progressed to 7th house mariage, 10th house job etc. among 5 contenstant for being varshesha thats why sign lord of muntha or progressed lagna may be important.
simillarly bhrigu nandi nadi wrritten by sri r.g. rao too gives effects of progression of jupiter. like muntha or sudarshana chakra it is not progressed by one sign per year but one sign per 12 year
for example if any person born in 1972 jupiter will be in makara, and makara is consedered as lagna and effects are predicted. In 1984 jupiter will move to next bhava thats kumbha and all effects for next 12 years read from kumbha. ofcourse consedering aspects. here conjuction of planets and planet in 2nd 12th and 7th are highly important, apart from 5th and 9th sign. which almost like consedering aragala effects of jaimini.
most negelected yogas vesi voshi ubhachari papakartati kemudhruma yoga caused by sun and moon here plays very important role
chandra kala nadi or dev kerala or dhurva nadi etc speaks about results based on jupiters cycle or paryaya example : D.K. (3) P 112verse 3467/2 to 34681/2 says in the first round of jupiter in initial part of vrishabha will give advent of wealth to native.
in the same vrishabha in 2nd cycle it will give result to younger brother . reason to my guess may be in vrishabha is 2nd house of kalapurusha and jupiter being karaka of wealth gives wealth. in 2nd cycle it gives to younger brother may be progression of sign in reverse where lagna bcomes lagna of younger brother then shud the next cycle wealth to mother and so on. logically in 5th cycle natives turns 60 and his wealth goes to children ... well this are guess.. its to research minds to work upon.
back to jupiters transits
since bhrigu nandi nadi does not gives importence to lagna; hence it gives to some thing else. ITS THE TRINAL SIGNs
again same thing is mentioned in deve keralam when satrun trasist the navamsha dispositirs of 4th lord or its trine some danger to mother. concluding deve keralam too gives importence to trinal house
b.v.raman sir use to give weightage to trines from karaka to predict results. this confers importence of trinal houses.
jupiter is called jeeva, in nadi jeeva means native, when jupiter transit in paryaya over natal rahu mars or shani, chances of native falling sick, missing directions are likely .. this may be very vauge principle but if blended with maraka dasha or 6th lord dasha may give good hints. many a time though bad dasha is over still native continue to suffer in next dasha.
likewise when jupiter moves over natal sun, chances of getting promotion, enjyoing power etc for 12 years. exac timing is not given but if 30 degree is 12 years or 60 months then 1 degree is 2 month. now if aplied to a natal longitude for example if sun is 12 degree of sign then probable period of promotion honor etc may be after 2 years jupiter cycle starts
when jupiter transit natalmoon : change of mind, change of place, native turns relegius, move back to home town etc.
sun : honur reputation awards favours from kings,/govt. promotionsmars: for females marriage/married life, results to be read for husbandsrahu, saturn : sickness, conficts, cheating, grand parentsvenus : similar to mars where it represnts wifemercury: education properties ket: spiritualism
likewise there are different nadis which speaks of results of satrun rahu sun etc. which i will add on when find some time.
I m not good writer, will be happy if i convey messege of using jupiters transit as paryaya as an additive tools with conventinal astrological principles
example chart moon : kanyajupiter : makara satrun : vrishabharahu : makara ketu : karka.sun : kumbha
first 12 years jupiter was in makara native did not great life had health problems etc. he escaped from serius suffering bcoz rahu is in makaranext 12 years means till 24th jupiter will be in kumbhahere native health impruved he copleted education and established in buisness.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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